Instytut Energetyki
Instytut Energetyki (Institute of Power Engineering) was established as an R&D center in 1953. The main activities of Institute are: designs and programs of the development of energy sector and electrical system, development of equipment, machines and equipment for power plants and networks, new technologies development in energy sector, including electrical systems and protection of an environment against harmful effects of power stations. IEN is a leading R&D institute of the energy sector in Poland involved in more than 40 European projects, employing ~450 persons
Relevant network and experience in National and European projects
- E BIO-PRO – New Burner Technologies for Low Grade Biofuels to Supply Clean Energy for Processes in Biorefineries – 6FP, STREP, 2004-2006;
- SOFCOM – SOFC CCHP with poly-fuel: operation and maintenance, FCH, 2011-2014, Lean gas burner development coming from the SOFC CCHP system
- National Project no. POIG.01.01.02-00-016/08 – Model agroenergy complexes as an example of distributed cogeneration based on a local renewable energy sources, 2007-2013, Low calorific syngas coming from the biomass gasification burners development, modelling and testing
Main tasks and responsibilities within VULKANO
Main activities of the Thermal Processes Department within the project will be focused on the analysis of the possible adaptations of the existing combustion systems in industrial furnaces for substitution of the natural gas with the syngas or process gas. The main tasks will include the assessment of syngas use in the industrial furnaces, CFD modeling of the existing furnace in order to evaluate its performance during syngas co-firing, CFD basis analysis of the required furnace modifications and new burner concepts aiming in low emission targets and high efficiency and finally detailed design work, manufacturing and testing in semi-industrial scale facility, the most promising burner for NG-syngas mixtures. Department has wide experience in mathematical modelling (CFD, Chemkin, Aspen, Ansys, AI and others), engineering design works (Solid, Autocad etc.), laboratory and technical scale investigations and diagnostic systems of burners and furnaces. From 1999 IEN has been involved in over 25 European projects within the 5, 6, 7FP, RFCS and other programs. The staff involved in projects has wide experience with high co-operation skills.