The Vulkano partner Scientific-Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), together with Horizon 2020 Europa and the Turkey In Horizon 2020 project, organized last week two International Brokerage Event named “ H2020 Energy info days” and “H2020 Cities of the Future 2017”.
The city of Brussels hosted this remarkable events by the end of October, bringing together up to 1000 (H2020 Energy info days) and 400 (Cities of the Future 2017) researchers, industry professionals, government officials and policy makers from both Europe and Turkey.
These events targeted the following H2020 topics:
• “Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Cities” and “Energy Efficient Buildings”
• “Circular Economy (SPIRE, Raw Materials and Water)
• “Mobility for Growth,” “Automated Road Transport” and “The European Green Vehicles Initiative”
• “Smart Energy Systems and Consumers”
Participants presented their ideas in order to expand networks and create new partnership for the upcoming calls in Horizon 2020.
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Turkish partner of Vulkano, invited to companies to share their success stories and attract participants’ interest in Horizon 2020 framework programme, in order to develop new projects.
Within the topics of “Circular Economy (SPIRE, Raw Materials and Water)” and “Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Cities” Mr. Hasan Basri TAŞKIN and Mr. Alper Naim AYAN attended to event presenting the VULKANO project to the audience, representing both the Turkish demonstrator ASAŞ and the whole VULKANO consortium. The project got the attendees’ attention and raised a high number of questions, which contributes to the goal of the event of encouraging people to take part in H2020 upcoming calls.