On June 21st, 2017, representatives of DISIRE project had the chance to take part in the Aluminum Innovation Workshop in Aachen, Germany. The aim of the event was to build a bridge between the aluminum industry and research experts as well as encourage collaboration and initiate project ideas under the Horizon 2020 framework program. RWTH Aachen University and the Open Innovation Research Cluster AMAP GmbH have jointly organized the workshop of the Aluminum Innovation Hub, which was attended by around 60 industry and research experts.
The topics discussed during the event were: melt purification, dross and bottom ash recycling, process optimization and modelling, sensors and digitalization. In this context, representatives from Fraunhofer IMW in Leipzig presented the scope, objectives, expected results of the DISIRE project, and discussed some opportunities of their application in the aluminum sector.
Some of the issues that arose during discussion were related to the possibilities for adoption of the novel in-situ sensors and knowledge transfer in terms of manufacturing process control, modelling and online PAT, to the aluminum industry. In such way, energy consumption and environmental impact along the aluminum supply chain would become more efficient.